Australian Pinball Restorations is proud to announce a joint business arrangment with Platinum Pinball to outsource 90% of it's playfield restorations. Platinum Pinball are more or less known as "Hod Rodded Pins", but this arrangement is purely playfield restoration. More on that later. Tim and Stu have developed the most professional setup for playfield restoration - most likely - in the world.
There are a number of projects that Tim and Stu have already started for APR High End Restorations. Tim will document the playfield restorations so that members and customers can view the projects "real time".
Some EM touch up and clearcoat work will be continued at APR, as I still enjoy the basic artwork designs that I'm comfortable with. I anticipate that Tim and Stu will work close with APR to "dial in" EM clearcoats to retain the original look. Eventually, all playfield restoration will be done at Platinum. This opportunity ensures APR can decrease the waiting time on it's "Nearly In Box" restorations work - currently booked out until 2018. This will ensure Platinum Pinball will have a steady and quick turn around that I can incorporate into my schedule. I intend on keeping the guys VERY busy !
There are still details being worked on as we co ordinate the first projects. Feel free to ask any questions, and either Tim or myself would be happy to answer.
This is a HUGE partnership that will involve some of the most dedicated pinheads that have a genuine passion for pinball and are professionally involved in the industry.
The first project is - EMBRYON