Some cabinet progress pics;
I started with the front panel which was screwed up pretty badly and weak as piss.
I cut out the whole outside layer, left to right of the bottom section with a router and inlaid new ply, glued and clamped into place to repair it.
After some sanding to level it out and a bit of filler to smooth out the joins and job done!
Both inside bottom edges of the sides which always have the ply separating were removed and 12x12mm Tassie Oak strips glued and clamped into place to tidy it up.
The original shitboard (sorry.. CHIP board.. or was i right the first time LOL) back panel removed ready for a new plywood panel.
New back panel cut, and routed ready to fit into place
And clamped and screwed into place!
New corner braces cut and glued into place
A few of the corners of the cab and backbox were screwed up pretty bad so they were cut out and new timber inlaid into place rather than filling with filler.
Both back corners needed repairs in this way.
All of the major repairs done, cab and backbox finish sanded and first coats of primer applied.
Next job will be to fill any minor imperfections with spot putty and then sand back again for the (hopefully) final primer coats