Last Wednesday I was reaching into one of my various cupboards at work to grab some pin balls out of a tub and I sliced my finger on a piece of protruding spring steel. The steel I use to cut new ramp flaps. I have stored the flattened steel in this cupboard for years, with a heavy box on top so it is safe and away from causing any damage. After a massive cleanup of my work area, I moved the tub of balls into the lower shelf and I moved the heavy box on the top shelf out for a moment. I then placed it back where it came from, but in removing the box, the sheet of steel was moved forward and over the lip of the shelf. Suddenly, as it seems, it was in prime position to cause some damage. Now that the heavy box was on top, securing the steel in position. Think of a guillotine mounted sideways - with an edge of around 2-3 cms..
So when I put my hand into the cupboard, and reached for the lower shelf were the tub of balls was, the steel sliced straight into the joint mid finger and then on a 45 degree angle, kept going until it hit the bone. I had no idea it happened - no pain. Just the warmth of the blood pissing out of my finger. I looked at my hand, covered in blood and it was like some sort of special effect that you would see in a movie. I clenched my fist, and then I could see the bones in my joint. Right. Pain. Lots of it. The only way to stop it was to straighten my hand. Sandra had the bright idea of holding under the tap and letting the water clean my hand. That hurt like hell. So we rapt it in a bandage and off to Hospital.
I waited 20 minutes before the first nurse looked at it. She asks me to clench my first. Blood everywhere again. Then the first Dr looked at it. Same deal. He took a quick photo and sent it off to the plastic surgeon. Then came the tetanus. Then intravenous antibiotics. Then off to X-Ray. All this kerfuffle ? Just stitch it up and let me go home..
About an hour later, the plastic surgeon had a look. I THOUGHT they were going to stitch me up and send me off home, but there was bad news. It needed surgery. Even though I had full movement, the X-Rays showed that the bone was hit, and any bone debris needed to be removed. Also, they had to check the tendons. No nerve damage. So I'm on a low priority list, booked in for the morning. That later changed to the afternoon, so I made a deal for them to send me home to my own bed and I would come in at 4:00Pm the next day. So they dressed the cut and made a splint so there was no movement..
So I went on my way home and went to work the next day for a 1/2 day. I can't eat after 10AM in case they need to knock me out for the surgery - but I told them that if I can get away with local, then that's what I wanted. Next day, 10AM - The Plastic Surgeon calls me - there's a cancellation so I'm off to an earlier surgery.
The prep was easy, but the local anesthetic needles hurt more than the cut ever did. I had four of them in the hand. I was awake, but I didn't want to look. They cut the skin diagonally to the injury, and folded the skin back. No bone debris except a "line" where the steel hit. No nerve damage, but the top tendon was hit - but not bad enough to take any action. Ten stitches later I'm out of surgery and after some paperwork - I'm out of Hospital with a new dressing, more antibiotics and pain killers.
I go back late this week or early next week for a checkup. All good !
Here is the offending spring steel ;
Anyway - I consider myself lucky, as I've not been to hospital for my own injuries for 25 years. I'm surprised I have not had any other serious injury other than thinners in my eye. As the surgeon warned me - if the steel hit me 10 cms lower - across my hand, it would have done VERY serious damage.
BIG bullet missed and lesson learnt !