Author Topic: Should I Feel Let Down or a Sense of Accomplishment?  (Read 27293 times)

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Should I Feel Let Down or a Sense of Accomplishment?
« on: December 02, 2020, 11:19:29 AM »
Hi all, coming to the dwindling end of my pinball collecting rush. In 20 months i have very nearly filled the space i intend to use for pinballs. With twenty machines here and two on the way, i have space for only 2 more machines and 3 or 4 machines here that i intend to swap out or upgrade for something else when i get around to it.

I started by trying to find the weird and unusual, and trying to own at least one of each manufacturer, but distilled my ambitions into collecting Bally/Williams machines for their fun and reliabilty and late model machines from different manufacturers for the same reasons.

I have
4 x Stern
2 x spooky's
2 x JJP (when gunners gets here)
1 x American Pinball
1 x Gottleib (that will go)
1 x Hankin (that will stay)
1 x Chicago Gaming (when Bill turns up)

The rest are Williams or Bally's.

I feel like i am not eagerly sourcing the next title anymore and i can focus attention on other things (i'm sure my customers will be happy to hear it) and that i can just enjoy the machines more now.
Also seems like i have a bit of a hole to fill and knowing my past obsession with hobbies, i'm positive that something will appear to fill it (looking at you pyrotechnics).

Just wondering how many others have got to this same point in a collecting hobby before and where you went from there? Did you loose interest in the hobby you were collecting? Did you maintain interest in the objects you were collecting after you stopped actively collecting them?

This is my first hobby that involved collecting (although i have more motorcycles than arses) so not sure how it goes from here.

Let me hear your stories.
Looking for Bally Space Invaders, Stern Orbitor 1

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Re: Should I Feel Let Down or a Sense of Accomplishment?
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2020, 02:29:53 PM »
I got into the hobby almost 40 years ago, just bought what was available about 5 machines (most games only cost me $400-$500)
then life got in the way and bought nothing
then I got back in, looked down my nose as those new fangled DMD games, only the classics for me, but found none were available. so I did a little research and attended a bumper auction. took a pocket full of cash but that was not enough to even get me in the bidding
did some more research and realized that it was going to be DMD or nothing, so saved up some more and bought a used but still serviceable CFTBL
and fell in love with DMDs
Moving on I then decided as a 'Real' collector, 'A' list game was were I should be, games were good, but not twice the fun for twice the price, so I took the next step up...
when I first look into NIB the ASU$ was bad compared to the US$
two years later and we were at parity, NIB was affordable so sight unseen I paid a deposit on a Batman TDK. a moth later I bought it home, pluged it in and..... :( machine was a dud out of the box. updated the software and it improved but it would take three years before Stern finished the software for this game
bought another 2 NIB but found the rush of opening a fresh game was fleeting

then I found a LOTR and despite its great reputation, I just could not get into the game
4 months later a read a rule guide and found out how to play and felt that if I needed to read a rule book before I play a game then that is not fun, so my attention now is games that I enjoy playing, not games that others enjoy playing

I know I am a heretic for saying this, but I have too many games (41), I don't have the space to set them up or to do maintenance
if I could sell 10 I would be in a better position

love my games and always will, but my collection will be more a reflection of games I enjoyed as a teenager

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Re: Should I Feel Let Down or a Sense of Accomplishment?
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2020, 08:42:13 PM »
MOJO comes, MOJO goes.
It is the best hobby, if you don't take it too serious or try and impress others.
Life unfortunately gets in the way of ALL hobbies so be grateful that you have what you have and share the love.

If it isn't broke, it isn't pinball.

Offline punkin

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Re: Should I Feel Let Down or a Sense of Accomplishment?
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2020, 04:31:44 AM »

G00d one Pete. I am the same as you ended up. I didn't listen when they told me Orbit 1 was a skidder or any of the other ones i have that i enjoy. Spiderman lasted only a couple months here, hate JP2 etc.

MOJO comes, MOJO goes.
It is the best hobby, if you don't take it too serious or try and impress others.
Life unfortunately gets in the way of ALL hobbies so be grateful that you have what you have and share the love.

Same thing here, i definately not in it to impress, have no desire to own A list machines unless they happen to be the ones i do want. I don't have and don't intend to get fish Talr4es, Adams, TZ or any of the others.

Definately gives me as much pleasure watching others play my machines as it does when i'm late at night alone playing. Hold a social comp every Sunday Afternoon for free.
Looking for Bally Space Invaders, Stern Orbitor 1

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Should I Feel Let Down or a Sense of Accomplishment?
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2020, 08:29:24 AM »
I used to buy whatever I could afford / get my hands on but always wanted the old penny arcade stuff but it just wasn’t around, 

   I had everything from 30s to NIb Metallica LE and never played them I enjoy pulling them apart more than playing

 Once I found my first penny arcade machine that got me into the secret circle then the collection grew people who collect them pretty much owned everything out there and didn’t do forums etc

  Current rule is if it wasn’t built before 1966 it has to be rare or something super wow about it it’s not for me

And interests change currently im focusing on doing up my ute so my games are not getting much attention but they will be there when I’m ready and have free time again


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« Last Edit: December 03, 2020, 08:31:33 AM by ddstoys »

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Re: Should I Feel Let Down or a Sense of Accomplishment?
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2020, 09:37:08 AM »
I started off buying anything that was cheap or that i could afford, that was about 32 years ago. I had no interest in them as a youngster and i only got into the hobby by accident.. as most of you know i'm a muso so my first game of pinball was at a pub my band was playing at and the rest is history!

First game i owned was a 1977 Stern Stingray bought in 1988 for $300, second was Gottlieb Abra cadabra for $150, so i started learning pinball repair on those two out of necessity to keep them running! Sold Abracadabra a few years ago, and sold Stingray about a year ago (still regretting selling them, only sold due to needing $$).

Had about 20 games at one point and down to 14 now 10 of which are playable. They don't get played much these days mostly due to being too busy repairing/restoring other peoples games. The collection is now down to games i played on site that i really enjoyed "back in the day" so theres really only one or two games left i'm really looking for, so anything else that come up i really don't bother with unless its something i could potentially fix up to sell.

There isn't one machine in my collection at the moment that doesn't have some issue, no matter how small.. like lamps out or cracked flipper bats etc.. kinda like they say how some mechanics don't maintain their own cars  :lol

« Last Edit: December 03, 2020, 09:43:31 AM by Mr Pinbologist »

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Re: Should I Feel Let Down or a Sense of Accomplishment?
« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2020, 02:48:02 PM »
Started out wanting just that one game that I had played and mastered back in the day when I should have been in class. As everyone here has learned, pinnies are the rare form of creature capable of parthenogenesis, and spawn many offspring from the single first game. So they grew...
There was never any expectation of a big collection, and certainly early thoughts were more games from the 80's, and for a long while I concentrated there, with a bias towards Gottliebs, and learning to get them going was a great way to learn and understand pinball.
Over time, I moved towards DMD's as the greater depth in software began to attract me. I was lucky that my first DMD was AFM (long before it was considered the classic it is), and my collection is now more DMD, with just a few of the "great" SS games - JP, BH, FP.
I's hard to imagine not having some games, and while collecting for its own sake is no longer high on the list, I play just about every day.
Having nothing left to restore, after my involvement in Coconut Island and the Kingpin build, I am spending time now on building a game from scratch using a PROC and MPF, and really enjoying that now.
“If you wanna escape, go up to a pinball machine. There’s a magic button on the front that takes you to a world under the glass and makes the the rest of the universe disappear.”

Offline punkin

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Re: Should I Feel Let Down or a Sense of Accomplishment?
« Reply #7 on: December 05, 2020, 07:05:26 AM »
Great story. While i remember playing a few pin's when i was six or 8, it wasn't a big thing for me as a kid.

Bill texted me last night, he will be here today with my Attack From Mars remake. Looking forward to playing the game that started you off. &&
Looking for Bally Space Invaders, Stern Orbitor 1

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Re: Should I Feel Let Down or a Sense of Accomplishment?
« Reply #8 on: December 05, 2020, 08:30:08 AM »
Great story. While i remember playing a few pin's when i was six or 8, it wasn't a big thing for me as a kid.

Bill texted me last night, he will be here today with my Attack From Mars remake. Looking forward to playing the game that started you off. &&

20 years later it is *still* my favorite game!
“If you wanna escape, go up to a pinball machine. There’s a magic button on the front that takes you to a world under the glass and makes the the rest of the universe disappear.”

Offline punkin

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Re: Should I Feel Let Down or a Sense of Accomplishment?
« Reply #9 on: December 05, 2020, 10:35:27 AM »
I haven't played one, but played a Medieval Madness at a mates place on pinfest weekend and liked it then played a Monster Bash at pinfest and liked it even more. Talking to a couple guys there, they said if i leaned more to MB then i would like AFM even more. So came home and bought one the next day.

Looking forward to seeing if they are right.

I've had a Black Night Sword of Rage premium here for a week on loan from a mate and really, really love it (nearly to the point of ordering one).

Looking at the layout i think AFM may be similar? As in big empty fan.
Looking for Bally Space Invaders, Stern Orbitor 1

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Re: Should I Feel Let Down or a Sense of Accomplishment?
« Reply #10 on: December 05, 2020, 03:04:25 PM »
I have  MM and a MB for a long time - AFM still my favorite.
“If you wanna escape, go up to a pinball machine. There’s a magic button on the front that takes you to a world under the glass and makes the the rest of the universe disappear.”

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Re: Should I Feel Let Down or a Sense of Accomplishment?
« Reply #11 on: December 05, 2020, 03:05:44 PM »
Arrr  the stages of pinball ownership  #@#
as a kid i was at the pinball parlour every day
got a job at 16 years of age and 3 months later puchased a Paragon in 1984
my sisters had to put coin in to play the machine was set up in my bedroom

was kicked out of home at 17 and sold paragon
played pinball at arcades though and into the 1990s

started collecting in 2011

I now prefer to host pinball meets ( even know it can be stressful ) than play
and as i cannot afford to purchase machines at the current prices I like to search for pinball's and parts if someone is looking for bits and bobs

these are some of the different stages ( cut and paste from another forum)

1. Thinking about it. This can be for many years before you jump in. In my case from childhood until my mid 20s
2. Getting the first game, this lived in my lounge/spare room as I moved around the country
3. Getting more games, for which you have a sensibly allocated space. Storing the spares and tools in neat plastic boxes below the games. I have 4 berths in my home office, so my house is calm. No one sees any games or parts of games lying around when they visit. My shed, garage etc are all quite normal and storing what you would expect in there

4. Crossing the rubicon. Getting more games than you have sensibly allocated space for.  wondering whether I sell one, or squeeze one in more pinball in the garage. Or clear out my garden shed. Or whether I run the risk of a row by putting it in my lounge.
5. Becoming a hoarder. Having so many games that you have now filled your kitchen, 10m garden shed, garage, workshop so you have to start housing them off site, in storage containers, at friends etc

There are more stages of ownership  ::)

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Re: Should I Feel Let Down or a Sense of Accomplishment?
« Reply #12 on: December 05, 2020, 04:23:04 PM »
Really nice, thoughtful post.

I don't seem to fit the mold, was at home before i went to the pub one morning and thought about the pinball machine i nearly bought at a garage sale years ago and thought 'Wonder how much a pinny is?'

Second hand prices and the fear of maintenance sent me looking at new prices and by the time i reached the pub i had talked to Bruce and had a brand new Deadpool pro at my place the next day.

Me and my mates spent the next month or two playing the shit out of it, started the Sunday comps at my place with Deadpool pingolf.

Couple months later i bought The Hobbit and then i was off and racing, sometimes buying two or three machines in a week.

Early on I drew myself limits, said that the machines could only stay on the carpet and that i wasn't laying carpet all over the place. So 24 pinnies it is for me.

My joy comes as a player and as a host. I have no interest in anything but the basic maintenance, if i know what's wrong i can usually fix it (bar board work) but i rely on my op mate Parazio for maintenance.

I love to share my machines and get as much pleasure sitting back watching others play as i do from playing myself.
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Re: Should I Feel Let Down or a Sense of Accomplishment?
« Reply #13 on: December 05, 2020, 06:46:20 PM »
My favourite game.

Where's Bill?

Looking for Bally Space Invaders, Stern Orbitor 1

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Re: Should I Feel Let Down or a Sense of Accomplishment?
« Reply #14 on: December 06, 2020, 07:11:43 AM »
Well one in, and one going. Black Knight goes back to it's owner today, i'll miss it. AFM is taking my mind off it though.
Looking for Bally Space Invaders, Stern Orbitor 1