I unfortunately don't have this ramp, but what you have to consider is that it may take some time (a lot of time possibly and money??) to find a part for a machine. You could be lucky though. So if you take it, be prepared to not being able to play it for whatever time it takes.
Also because you'll be desperate, you may find that you will pay ridiculous prices. I searched for a playfield glass for months (P2000) and nearly paid mega bucks or even imported one, because I was desperate to make my game perfect. Luckily in the 11th hour Mark C got the IPB deal and the PF glass was a reasonable price. I have paid big bucks for things I thought are rare etc etc to find they get mass produced a month later for stuff all dollars. The silly thing is my situations, the game is playable, yours won't be, so what will desperation lead to. What's a pinney that's unplayable? That's what I think you need to consider.
Hope this advise is taken in the right spirit