hey guys
sorry for my sudden disappearance even though ive been on AA. been having a few problems with the wife the last 12 months and has now become what appears to be divorce.
sadly she for some reason i dont know yet has decided we have drifted apart so im on the outer atm.
ive been out of home for about 3 months and seeing my kids 2 days a week and travelling about 150kms a day to work.
the pin was originally going to be for her so i havent touched it or even looked at it really
decided now to keep plodding along with life and get a new house with the BOP in the loungeroom.
still sorting shit out with her but going to get my own place local again (im at my parents atm) and get back into my pinnie.
just done a order with mark on ebay to get back into things.
enough moping around time to get along and what ever happens happens.
havent told many people what is going on but she has started to inform the circle of friends so time to inform everyone i guess.
ill be popping in where i can just dont have much net atm
. got 1 cocktail machine to finish and sell then the BOP gets back to my parents for tinkering again