I am not buying this pin as investment. I want this pin to look 100% because I love this pin.
If I had bought a different bk2000 it would have cost me more.
I look at it this way if I can make a pin a 9.5 to 10 out of 10 for a cheaper price or the same price that i can buy an 8 to 8.5 out of 10 then I am in front.
I collect & restore pins as a hobbie. hobbies cost money.
if i was interested in remote control cars as a hobbie or marine fish tanks as a hobbie (like a lot of people) I could spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars on that hobbie. all it would take is one crash (with cars) or a 24 hour power outage (with a fish tank) then my money is gone so i then have to go and spend all that money again to enjoy my hobbie again. with the same risks as i had.
in most cases if i restore a pin and sell i make a profit or break even. again it does not worry me as i have had fun with my hobbie.
if for some emergency i need money i can always sell a pin and get some or most of my money back
long live the hobbie of pinball