Hi , my name is Mark, and I too am burnt out!
Been in electrical industry , dealing with customers full time since I was 15 - I am now 42.
Same company for the last 18 years.
I am SO BLOODY sick to death of EVERYONE wanting EVERYTHING NOW
- No-one can wait a bloody week anymore for ANYTHING, and then I am surrounded by pansy -arse salesmen that are too gutless / un-knowledgable to be able to advise a customer they need to wait and explain it in a way so we retain them as a client for the future ( there IS a way of doing that ) , but they lie to people and then its my job to sort the salespeoples crap out.
Sometimes these days I just tell people the salesman has bullshitted them and then I sort the customer out in an honest way and they love me for it - I do this in front of the salesperson and they hate it of course.
So these days I go to work - do my job with my Ipod in my ear all day ( I am not in frontline sales - a lot of phone work backing up salesguys and ordering gear ) , go to the beach for a swim at lunch and try not to deal with these jerks that I am surrounded by.
Sounds good huh !!
Dont worry Creech - U were the best customer I ever had