I've been selling a few Video game cabinets on eBay of late and some of the people I've been in contact with have been a great bunch of blokes - There is even a couple of you on this forum
- No problems
I have found the Video buyers to be a very hard bunch to understand, and I'm convinced that some of them are just plain stupid, or they are just plain stupid
I recently had a dedicated "Galaxy" cabinet on eBay -
http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=170490425159&ssPageName=ADME:X:AAQ:AU:1123Yep - it sold for $300 - but re read the "write up" - does it have the measurements ?
The winning moron turns up to my place at an agreed time on Saturday. He knocks on the door and says hello - and I take him to the garage. He sees the unit and rubs his hands. I show him the game (in working order) and then he plays it. Sweet. So I ask him where his van / truck / ute is.. Nowhere to be seen. He gets into this TINY wagon - some euro piece of crap and I just shake my head - No way will it fit in - (remember the "write up" has the measurements) - So he opens the hatch - and there's a kid sitting the back seat in a booster chair - can you bloody believe it ! So got out the measuring take and it will not fit. He thinks it will. So it does not fit - with this chair in the back seat. So I waste 1 hour with this IDIOT, until he could finally see it would not fit. So he said he would return later that day without the child, or on sunday.
Today he sends me a message via eBay messages - He does not want the cabinet "as it is too big to fit in my car and too big to go inthe house" What a crock of shit ! What a bloody tosser. So I have already offerred it to the next highest bidder - who bought another cab on the weekend - and he "should" buy it. So it is "all good".
eBay has NO rights for the seller - The ONLY way I can report this prick is via a "dispute" - or he has to cancel it at his end (or I don't get credited my seller's fees). I'm just about to lodge a non paying dispute - still "mulling" over it.. So I'm venting here for a moment !
Is it some sort of "culture" within the Video community ? I have sold over 50 Pinballs in my time - NEVER had one single issue - not ONE
I've sold 15 Video cabinets and maybe 5 have been smooth sailing (you know who you are) !
All my cabinets are dedicated and recondition to almost original - so they don't run mutligame etc.
So here are some genuine questions on dedicated cabinets
"Can I rip the guts out of it so I can install an LCD and MAME"
"Does it have a coin thingie that accepts $1.00 per play"
"Is it Jamma? Will you wire it for jamma so I can play mutligame"
"Is the board a genuine Namco - it must be green"
Here's some question on a gutted out cabinet - No monitor or chassis
"Can the screen play horizontal or vertical screen games?"
"Does it work ?"
"Can I plug an LCD in it ?"
"Wots your BIN price" - I kid you not - with 5 minutes to go !!
"If I buy it - Will you rewire jamma for me"
"What game is in it" ??
I don't know - maybe I'm not CLEAR enough in my descriptions.
I've just found the Video crowd to be VERY different from the average Pinball enthusiast. Lots of tyre kickers. I have no probs moving them, but I've found that most of the "newbies" looking for their first machine seem to think that you can just plug in any game into any cabinet and it "just works" The classic line is - "I read on the web that you can.."
I dunno - Just an observation and a bit of a vent
Maybe I should just convert everything to a multigame 60 in 1 !