What do those with EM experience think about the GTB higher power yellow and orange dot flipper coils.
I've got to get some parts for Surfer and as one flipper coils is burnt out it is to be replaced. It's an A-5141 and I see that PBR sell A-5141, A-5141B and A-5141A. The As are yellow dot, the most powerful and the Bs are orange dot that fall between the two. I guess that the higher power coils just have a few turns removed from the initial stroke winding, so in theory you could adjust them yourself. Cliff's guide say the yellow dots are about 10% more powerful.
The coils all cost the same and I will make sure both flipper coils are of the same type. I plan to buy and install a flipper rebuild kit at the same time - are the higher power coils just a slack way of not having properly maintained good condition flipper mechanicals? Or do you notice a difference in game play?
Surfer has a set of drops up near the top of the playfield, so maybe the extra coil power will be beneficial and I guess will make the game faster.
Any thoughts, comments, particularly from those with experience with higher power coils appreciated.