You cant deduct those figures from the Lib/Nationals totals !
Co-allition is exactly that. A combined Party. Thats why it is called a Co-allition ! When u vote that way, it goes to a Co-allition total. Them the rules !
In any event, preferences and all that horse trading is all garbage (although legal and democratic under our system).
The bottom line is our Australian voting system doesnt go by who got the most first choice votes. If it did goodbye Julia, hello Tony.It goes by Seats.Unfortunately.
When u study the "seat" rules, it actually does make sense. (if anyone wants the seat situation explained, i will happily email why/how the seat situation works).lol
But Oakshott and Windsor felt Julia had the goods. Maybe they voted for her so the labour party can get rid of her, then labour will fall to crap, then a new poll will be held, Liberals will get in and everyone might be happy ? Who bloody knows ! lol