Now I'll start by saying I had a couple of drinks but not enough to kill the brain processes.
I thought I'd calm a shit of a day at work with the aforementioned drink and a game on my Twilight Zone. Well what should pop out as a first ball but the POWERBALL. Woohoo get a bit of fast action going and then I think I see the powerball go into the under mini playfield section in which the ball exits via the pop bumpers.
Waiting, waiting.......
a bit of a shake of the machine here and there.....a bit more....ball search time.....a bit more of a shake......more ball searches.....pick the machine up two or three times now and drop it from a great height.
Still no powerball
I look all around the playfield, lift plastics a little to see if its there, turn on the ball empty option and throw balls into every scoop, toy, loop, you name it I tried it. I even resorted to lifting up the playfield several times and look for it in there.
Now I have had a couple more drinks so my next thought was "maybe its rolled out of the machine and is somewhere in the games room"
With that thought I realised that maybe I have had too much to drink cuz how the F@#K is a ball gonna do that.
I know...... the powerball has entered the TWILGHT ZONE
that's it.....of course....I need help, put down the drink and ring for some therapy.
NO lets have another look with my trusty work light in hand.
Lo and behold I find it wedged right central behind the MAGNA FLIP plastic in which you have to be a contortionist to see it (of which I am one after the extra drinks I've had searching for it and now I can't feel my body anymore).
So if your powerball goes missing anytime soon......have a look there before spending 30 minutes of entering the Twilight zone yourself....thanks for listening to a pinball tech wannabe
Hope this has brightened your day