Is it me only, am I getting less trusting as I get older ?
Do the words Medievil Madness and Crocodile Dundee Pinball mean anything to anyone out there ! Same sort of promises.Perhaps its much safer to pay in full for a item when u see the item standing in front of you. Why risk sending money to a brand new seller who hasnt earnt their credibility yet ? I would be confident that if I sent Gary Stern money for a machine I would get something for example, but a new USA start up ?
I'm going to take their advice at this it looks like payments would be:
3/15 - $1000 - Fully Refundable
6/15 - $1000 - Fully Refundable
9/15 - $1000 - Fully Refundable
10/31 - Time when the order is converted into a Special Order -
12/15 - Tentative Delivery - Balance $3250.00 + Freight
What would you do if it went bad, put on Dorothys red shoes and click ya feet together and hope for some Wizard of Oz magic. It might be the closest ya ever get.
p.s - did anyone on here recieve their Limited Edition Medi Evil Madness or Crocodile Dundee Pinball Machines yet
, I hope the Wizard of Oz doesnt end up the same !