I need a fresh mind to untangle mine !
Aces High plays exceptionally well, but it has some functional problems. I have the schematic, but I'm still having trouble. Here are two problems I need to untangle.
1 - Credit issues
With more than 4 credits on the game
Press the credit button once (first time)- Subtract one credit. Game resets perfectly and serves the ball.
Press the credit button again (second time) - Subtract one credit. No second player added
Press the credit button again (third time) - Subtract one credit. Second player added
Press the credit button again (fourth time) - Subtract one credit. Third player added
Press the credit button again (Fifth time) - Subtract one credit. Fourth player added
It "skips" the second player until the THIRD credit.
2 - Scoring issue
During game play, when 50 points is lit on the rollovers, only 40 points is rewarded on the score of any player. Happens all the time. When I manually depress the "50 point relay" it awards 40 points.
Any idea ?