Not even 24 hrs and we have new advertising/media content to talk it a bad idea already...or a smart idea ?The publicity/media release about the Hobbitt from JJP is an example of how their marketing stradegy is sooo different to Sterns....releasing the info even before the movies have come n gone...what happens if the movies are bad stinkers..its a big risk there i would have thought ?...espescially since the Lord of the Rings movies have been done to seems to me the hobbit will be the kids version without the killing n fighting scenes which attracted the adults....
Cutting out the middle man...mistake or meant to be from JJP ?Another thing I wondered about, which no one has mentioned if they have picked up on it yet, is that you can order directly thru JJP for a lower cost than u can by ordering thru a JJP distributor at a higher cost....Stern doesnt do this ofcourse, and its not a practice I thought would keep JJP dealers happy at all since they get cut out of the equation and dont make a cent $ commission....does anyone else think thats a bad idea....
Its not done with jetski products, motorbikes, any type of new cars or any other luxury items i know of...I always thought a company was only as strong as its retail franchisees or agents in this case.....and wont alot of people order directly thru JJP to save the initial $500, or if they dont quite know the new local JJP agent yet ?....I think this is a mistake....I cant see how local JJP agents wouldnt get the shits on this one..someone ask Jack why he does that next time u send him a email...or perhaps the JJP agents may have already voiced their concerns already...its certainly a easy way to lose dealers for your products by cutting out the middle profits here if people order thru the of to me....
thoughts on this anyone ?and again, it seems nothing will be left to the imagination with the next JJP title...wouldnt a big surprise be better to capture the publics attention...also, does this now mean some people who were hanging off buying a std WOZ to say mid to late 2013, will now wait, knowing some std WOZ product will still surely be sitting around at JJP or its dealers,n wait til the new Hobbit title comes out n wait n see if they want the Hobbit machine first/instead of committing to the std WOZ.. again, I thought this was a mistake...but i could be wrong...wouldnt you maximise the sales on every single WOZ machine before pulling the focus off and pushing it towards something so far away in 2014....also, Stern would have done 10 machines by then...this is why i keep thinking JJP isnt a threat to Stern, cause JJP's production timesn titles so far are a bit soft...anyway, makes for good discussion...
what u guys think of the dealers getting cut out of their commissions by factory direct ordering..