Finally got round to taking some photos.
Firstly though i wanted to say THANKS to a few of people......
SWINKS for his awesome mirror blades they were packed to perfection and look even better.
ROTTYGUY for letting me get in on his group buy from Pinball Life. (still owe you for the postage too, Ill send that tonight)
BRUCE at AMD for letting me know about the Tron run and ordering one for me, we had several discussions about getting one prior.
MICHAEL at AMD for putting up with all my part requests.
This FORUM and NINO for allowing me to share and learn about my favorite hobby.
Last but not least GARY STERN for remaking Tron's at the perfect time when i could actually afford one. (that one's for you CAVEY!)
Ok i think i have drivelled enough now.....

Here is a run down of the parts i have either had or have installed. If you care that is.....

Shaker Motor
Playfield under Rails
Tron LE Apron
Stern Chrome Side Rail Set
Stern Chrome Front Molding
Hallmark cycles
Arcade Mod
Flynn Sign mod
Recognizer sticker
Cliffy Ramp Protectors
Cliffy Ver.2 Scoop Protector
Test Cointaker LED Pack
Black Mirror Blades
Recognizer mod
Powerball ("Flynn" ball)
Black Flipper Bats x 3
Blue and Yellow Rubber
Blue Start Button
Cliffy Coloured Posts x 10
White rubbers
Blue Pop Bumper Skirts x 3
Black leg bolts x 8
Cliffy slot protector x 2
Black leg leveller x 4
Bling Steel Balls x 4
Plastic Protector set
3 pin plugs and recepticles (for the PIG)
I do have the prices for all this but it is probably best we dont talk about that......not to the missus anyway.

Ok firstly a quick shot of the parts......

Before shot.

One ramp off.

2nd ramp off.

All done and installed.

Arcade and Flynn sign.

Swinks black mirror blades look great, Silver looked good too but i found the black looked more 'understated' and 'refined' (excuse me while i stick my pinkie finger out)

Bikes, sorry the flash drained the light out a bit there.

Blue pop bumper skirts, i wanted to change the look as i found the white skirts too 'look at me'. Really happy with the shade of blue these turned out to be.

Blue cliffy posts and recognizer sticker.

When you buy the Flynn sign he also gives you a home of Space Paranoids plastic to replace the Flynn plastic.

Overhead lights off, trying to capture the colours.

Great shot with the mirror.

You can see some of the plastic protectors in this shot.

Close up of the bikes, you can also see the white rubbers in the disc area. I changed all the rubbers to white.

Black leg bolts and feet, also the blue start button.

Great shot of the flippers, LE apron and my custom cards.

Shot of Swinks lane protector.

Very happy with the outcome so far.

Still waiting on the Recognizer mod.
Also plan to get LED's, Blue DMD, Speaker upgrade and the fibre optic ramp lights from a guy on Pinside. So sorry guys there will be more photo posts to come.....