Author Topic: USA Travel Thread - The Bert and Wotto show begins - for anyone interested.....  (Read 13145 times)

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Offline Wotto

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Hey all

So today we bought our Metro Card in the subway - no easy task at first, and with the pressure of 15 kazillion NY locals around you it was a little testing at first - anyway we got it done and were soon headed through to the stations proper- of course on my first ever NY subway excursion I chose a to go to lower Manhattan / finance district which meant 2 trains with a transfer at Union Square station - easy huh,  yellow train, green train, the 4, the 5, the express version of each of the local version etc etc .......I asked directions a few times and as it turned out we had our plan done perfectly BUT it was refreshing to have it confirmed by a local.

These trains are packed - PACKED I say, but very effeicent.
This is a quick snap downstairs with the stink, rubbish and rats.....

This is one of the cooler looking station entrances/ exits at The Bowling Green near Wall St

Unfortunately Liberty Island and Ellis ISland are still closed from Hurricane Sandy - so we grabbed the free ( and most of you will know it ) Staten Island Ferry which gets 'close' to the Statue of Liberty.

The city is in Level 1 security 'lockdown' due to Boston events and there are cops and security people EVERYWHERE.
I wasnt to concerned because when boarding the ferry I realised we had God on our side today

That was NOT a dress up - the dude ACTUALLY wore that as normal !
Do I attract these nutcases?

This is the skyline of lower Manhattan on the way back across - you can see Building one ( of 4 to be built ) called Freedom Tower where the Twin Towers once stood ( more on that later ) Its the tall building mid shot , still having work done way up top

We wandered the Wall St / Broad St area's - all the toursists were being very serious about everything and the history of the area, I on the other hand just HAD to find the Soup Nazi from Seinfeld

We did get serious in the end and I stood where George Washington gave his oath as the first President of The United States.
That is pretty cool to be honest.Considering the security around today I am amazed I didn't get tazered down !

Kayla wasnt so daring , but I hope you can read the plaque

Thats the end of any funnies today guys , because what we did next was REALLY REALLY hard for me to do and I am in no way ashamed to say that.
it really got to me

We went to the 911 site - and it was tough to be there and then also go through the Tribute Centre after visiting the site.
I know some of you reading this will have also been here and maybe were not so moved by this - but it got to me , and I am normally a hard hearted bloke.

I would never smile for a photo at this site.

You read the names and touch their names and just cannot imagine what that must have been like here on that day and afterwards.

The Tribute Center was tough to look through.....

Plane window recovered.....

Part of the tower

But when you see this stuff - thats when it hits you ( well for me anyway )
Seeing signs from kids to dads etc - so VERY sad

And you will ALL remember this lady from the TV footage we all saw - but just read the quote at lower right !

We have been pretty flat after this afternoon and INSTANTLY stopped complaining about some of the small things happening on this trip.

DW Drums rule !