For interest, x box was released late november 2001 and playstation early jan 1995
pinball companies would have started feeling the effects within 12 months, around early 1996 from P/S gaming consoles.
the decline in pinball sales is reflected around this time.
(I wish playstation and x box were never released personally)
no but you had, sega, sega mega drive,sega saturns, Nintendo, super Nintendo, Nintendo 64 and others, and at least every house hold had one or more of them. plus you had that revolution of Pc gaming.
come on you cant deny that marketing cant change the direction of trends.
but as stated you saw those pacman games kick pinballs ass in the 80s then pinball found its spot again in the late 80's early nineties and made that huge comeback, if gaming made its attack again on pinball in the late 90's with its next revolution then its a huge failure of pinball not to have done what it did in the early nineties to pull its self back into the game, but also you see the guys who made it happen like B/W give up and go to gaming machines.
there is nothing stopping pinball succeeding other than the pinball makers at this time and their marketing issues. you cant deny that