Well I got it going again !!
I ended up replacing all 4 TIP122 Transistors, all 4 2N4401 pre-driver Transistors.
After that all the bumpers were getting stuck down when the game was turned on
and keeped blowing fuses.
I replaced the 2 SN7402N IC chips and also put IC sockets in in case I ever have trouble with them again.
I then did another test and turning on the machine, all bumpers were fixed bar one that was still stuck down.
Was scratching my head for a while trying to figure out what to do next and I read up that sometimes if a short
happens on the any of the 4 bumpers, it can effect the reflexive circuit, that is no longer used on the revision 3 boards.
I found a diode that wasn't reading right and desolded it, then another test and BAM !! it works !!
While I was blowing fuses I took the opportunity to replace all the fuse holders and fuses:
Here is a pic of most of the LEDs installed:
The Mad Amusements order finally arrived today
So onto putting some new plastics on and then the Playfield protector, oh and also the cliffy hole protectors.