Certainly alot of hype building around this machine....lets hope it lives up to it.
Basically the same marketing strategy as every Stern release, use figureheads in the US pinball community to deliberately leak info and build hype.
GAP is a Stern distributor in the US, so on a local level that would be the equivalent of AMD in Sydney stating, "this is going to be Borg's best game ever".
What does pecuniary interest mean?

As for mnpinball, firstly he is a loyal repeat buyer of NIB Sterns and secondly, well let's just say that isn't it astonishing that mnpinball has been able to repeatedly get inside info for the last half dozen or so titles, and despite Stern's apparent best efforts they have been unable to plug the leak and the flood of info coming out. (I remember when Steve Ritchie went on rgp last year and made a public statement that the mnpinball "leak" had been fired.)
What does plausible deniability mean?

From now on, I am just going to take every Stern pinball release as it comes (with a grain of salt). Until such time as I can play it in person, and deem it the best/worst game ever.