Admins try not to edit or remove links to non-sponsor business websites made by members (if those members are not associated with or employed by non-sponsor businesses).
Like everything, it is a balance, and we cannot please everyone every time, but aim to find the best position we can in the circumstances.
We acted previously on complaints from paid up sponsors and members, that employees or members associated with businesses that were NOT sponsors were posting links. These associates or employees were generally initially asked to stop, or their accounts removed if they persisted.
Surely it is unfair on current sponsors if non-sponsors are able to “back door” advertising on the forum by encouraging associates or employees to promote them on the forum?
Given that the problem now appears to have been dealt with, we can remove the filter that was introduced to combat the issue.
Aussie Pinball will continue to support the businesses that support Aussie Pinball, and hope that members will continue to support those businesses as well.