Author Topic: Australian Pinball Expo 2014  (Read 13695 times)

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Re: Australian Pinball Expo 2014
« Reply #45 on: November 12, 2014, 09:33:34 PM »
My situation in this was very similar to Nino's in the fact that Michael Shalhoub rang me and told me that he and Dan were organising another Sydney Expo and that I was invited to have a stall for GOTTLIEB in Australia. I pointed out that I knew of the Expo already but it was being handled solely on AA and not in the wider pinball community and from what I could gather, unless you were an active member there you would have no idea of any expo and no possible way of buying tickets as it was all being handled through the forum.
Mike said that it would all open up shortly and on that note I agreed on hosting a stall.. I was then told that Dan had the final say but he would ring me within a week to arrange everything.
Roll on a month and Mike rings me again.. has Dan rang me yet?..No I said.
Mike then says that he'll give Dan a nudge... Dan knows about me and a stall and he WILL ring me.
Roll on another few weeks to a month and Mike rings again... has dan rung yet?... again.. No.
So I tell Mike that if Dan knows about me willing to host a stall but hasn't rung me then I can only conclude that he doesn't want a GOTTLIEB stall at the Expo..after all its his say so.
Mikes vision of an Expo was very similar if not the same as anyone elses... its an Australian Expo and should showcase everything that encompasses all that Australian pinball has to offer. My take was that he wanted the place bustling with activity... machines galore and stalls selling and promoting the whole hobby. As he said.. I want you there..I want stencils, GOTTLIEB etc.. I want Nino there.. I want everyone represented. I want restorations.. spare parts... etc.

I never got the call from Dan but did get one more from Mike promising me that Dan WOULD ring me... In the end I told Mike I didn't have enough time to prepare and wouldn't be attending as my work load in November is pretty heavy... im not investing time and some approx. $4000 to attend something im obviously not welcome at.

I did the last Sydney Expo and it was good... I scrabbled together some stuff to showcase at the last minute and held a stall. Shipped the lot down in a crate and set up the night before. Was more than happy to do the same here at what I thought was going to be an EXPO...
Maybe one day an expo that puts Australia on the world pinball map will happen and ill jump at the chance to take part.. chuck in restorers like Timbo.. Nino and his stuff including CPR... GOTTLIEB merchandise ( stencils, signs, T shirts etc)... spare part vendors.. what about Mike Homepin?? Without his Australian boards many machines would be dead and buried.. plus he is now an Australian manufacturer!... That's an Expo, not a gathering of machines and some bloke in the corner charging $2 for a game of WOZ... !*! !*!

LOL- nevertheless. It is 180 machines to play and its not to be sneezed at so those attending will get to play games they've never had the chance to. Michaels collection is second to none and my understanding is that he has supplied many woodrails. Not often you get the chance to play games from many eras ( unless in my shed/house which is where ill be staying).
Have fun everyone that attends